Carpet guy was kind enough to let us in. So some pics during the visit as well !!
And today, 23rd Jul 2014 marks the completion of 15 weeks since our Site Start.
So far so good and we are really pleased with the way overall work..
But, driveway and path around house is yet to be done and we have our New Home Presentation on FRI(25th Jul) Morning 10 am.
SS still hasn't fixed the electrical/telephone/data points issues which we have raised. Also the NBN box isn't installed outside the house yet.
Final Clean is scheduled for 24th Jul - THU, as per the SS. More updates on FRI then !!
Changes which we saw after the last weekend are:
- Temporary fencing removed
- Carpets getting replaced with Cat 2 (Twist Rock 26)
- Paint touch up areas marked out.